Monday, February 21, 2011

“Blair Doctrine”?

This is the gospel according to a war criminal, hypocrite, lap dog to the Americans and betrayer of the founding moral principles of the Labour Party. He was and is a vacuous, empty-headed toady with the political morals of a guinea pig, a man who did nothing but cozy up to capitalism for a taste of power.

The same goes for all those politicians who put him in place and supported him throughout his tragic-waste-of-time government. These people paved the way for the ConDems to make things even worse.

If you wish to see how low this man could creep you need only view a video of his address to the US Congress. But beware, it is likely to threaten the stability of your stomach.
The only “legacy” this fellow and his gang have left behind is a mountain of innocent dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, financial corruption in Britain and a fading debt-ridden future for youngsters.

But you won’t hear any of that as he traipses around the planet receiving £50,000 a time for “lectures” and dreams of assuming the presidency of the European Union.

The only questions for the British are (a) How could they ever have let such an individual govern their country? and (b) How can they prevent a charlatan repeat?

Watching CamClegg in operation merely demonstrates just how much democracy and honesty has been lost to us. Blair and his ilk are just one symptom of a system that is actually and morally bankrupt.

Excellent comment left on this link..