Americans: More squeamish about killing dogs than killing Iraqi children.
You may think to yourself, our boys could never do things like that. Watch this video
of US soldiers tormenting a crippled dog. The video of them shooting a dog has been pulled. People are more squeamish about killing dogs that killing Iraqi children.
While in Iraq we had a sport of killing dogs whenever the Iraqis weren’t shooting us. So when I shot this one at about 50 yards with my M4 and it ran yelping to lower ground, we had to finish it so my friends and I went to it and started shooting it. I’ve never seen a dog take as many shots to the head at least 4 as this one did and then after we thought it was dead we dug a hole and when I picked it up with the shovel it came back to life, so we shot it a couple more times…its pretty funny.
~ M. D. formerly of A TRP 1-10 CAV 4ID