Tuesday, March 8, 2011

WIKILEAKS/LIBYA: Loose lipped (hug a hoody Dave) has a very short memory, or he did not read the leaked cables and how the Americans laugh and take the piss out of the English and the 'Special relationship' idiots like Cameron believe exists. The Americans ,once more pull the strings of a War mongering British Prime Minister and there he dangles. OIL OIL OIL is what this is ALL about Cameron, do not take the British people for fools. England is broke, the elderly cannot afford to eat and heat their homes, they have to make a choice each day whether to go hungry or keep warm, this is modern day England and we have a PRATT like Cameron running the country who wants to make a name for himself by covering his hands with blood from innocent lives. OBAMA is protecting the Bush Administration from being charged with war crimes and the war crimes include torture...which makes one cry to read the article below 'an accused torturer' what do we think OBAMA is , he is aware of the treatment towards Bradley Manning, hell, he is endorsing it. US soldiers did the exact same thing to the Iraqi's, they enjoy it, there is something in their soul that enjoys hurting and killing. Cameron and Obama are Bush and Blair. Cameron is not listening to the British people and the hatred for him is rising fast ...
